Welcome Doodlers
Laura and I are not that keen on setting rules and laying down doodle rules. In order for this to be a lovely fun thing, some are needed. Okay they are not really rules, its more us answering FAQ's (frequently asked questions).
What is a doodle?
There is the standard definition of a doodle found here
Doodle, but the thing Laura, Mo and I want is for everyone to just have fun and get creative. In the last Doodle Week there was such a wide variety of doodles that it would be unfair to be strict in the terms of what a doodle is. So if you have a piece of artwork that you would like to share that fits in with one of the themes, then feel free to play along. Hopefully this way anything from mad little stick people, crafty bits and full blown paintings will find their way into Doodle Week.
How can I doodle?
Use online drawing programs such as paint, irfanview, gimp, photoshop etc. Pencil,pen,crayon,pastel,paint to paper and scan them in. If you have no scanner photograph it and upload it that way. I would suggest trying more than one technique, push yourself :)
How do I play?
Pick a day to play and post your doodle on your blog/site that day, then come here and drop your link in the post for that day. If you don't have a blog/site then simply upload your doodle to the flickr group.
How often can I play?
You can play everyday for the whole doodle week following the daily themes. Or you can just pick and choose the themes you like. Or just pick one. Or do all them in one post. Just remember to drop your link in the right post on here, so that we know you are playing along. Basically just do what you like and have fun with it.
What are the Daily Themes?
These change every month and will be displayed at the beginning of that Doodle Week or sooner.
Where do I post my doodles?
Post them on your own blog/site as an individual post or incorporate it into one of your usual posts and the flickr group, then leave your link here on the designated day/s that you play.
New: If your a big twitter fan, you could also use 'twitpic' to show off your doodles.
Are we going to laugh at your doodles?
A few people have asked whether we would laugh at your doodles? The answer is no, unless they are funny on purpose that is.
Who runs Doodle Week?
That would be Laura, Mo and Claire, the links to our blogs can be found in the sidebar under the title of 'Doodle Masters'.
Recommended Doodle viewing?
Firstly, have a look at the first lot of Doodle Weeks doodles and see how varied they were, which you can find in the doodle week flickr group. Secondly, There are some amazing doodlers out there that are a great source of inspiration and also some great online tools to play with. So that will have to be a whole new post, if you spot any nifty site and/or tools let us know and they will be added to the sidebar link called
'Doodle Tools'
Why do we keep harping on about
Flickr? well Flickr is a wonderful site that you can upload your doodles and photographs. It also makes it easy to do fun things like the Doodle Galleries and makes my life a lot easier.Also the running slide show in the sidebar called 'Doodle Show' features all the doodles from the last doodle week that were uploaded to flickr.
It is free to use, unless you want to upgrade to a pro account.
For more information have a read of the Flickr help question, as they explain it a lot better than we could.
Just to make this clear, you DO NOT have to join flickr to play along, it would just be nice if you did.
Joining the Doodle Week flick group.
This gives you the opportunity to share your doodles with more than just your own blog readers.
Read the link for more information on groups
Uploading to Flickr
Tagging Doodles on flickr
What is tagging? it just means giving the doodle extra names so that its easy to find. So you tag them with "Doodle Week" and then whatever daily theme it is, making sure you include the " " either side. Also in the description section remember to add a link to your blog, I just copy and pasted my blog post url.
Sending Doodle to the flickr group
Once you have uploaded your photos to flickr and tagged them. You then need to send them to the doodle week flickr group. You do this by
reading this
'sending to group' Does this answer all your questions? Still confused by anything?
ASK AWAY!!!!!!!!!!!!